Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Business Operation Oz Supermarket Samples †MyAssignmenthelp.com

Question: Discuss about the Business Operation Oz Supermarket. Answer: Outline of the business operation along with suggestion of recommendations Maintaining consistency in providing the customers with innovative facilities has enabled Oz supermarket to emerge as a popular name among the customers. Earlier the customers had to stand in long queues for billing at the exit points. Decisions to establish retain chain have increased the ease of the customers in terms of grabbing their branded products and get them billed within a short span of time (Trkman et al., 2015). This was not the outcome of haphazard approach towards marketing. The managers of Oz supermarket have toiled hard to achieve efficiency in the business operations. This oriental approach has been possible due to the following initiatives: Keeping only household goods and stationery items, which are non perishable and align with the requirements of the customers Adoption of the latest technologies has helped the marketing personnel of Oz supermarket to deliver services to the customers according to the latest trends. This adoption has smoothened the buying process for the customers as well as the company personnel (Jeston Nelis, 2014). Typical example in this direction is PayWave. Through the possession of the card, the customer gets an easy entry into the supermarket with only a wave. The RFID readers in the trolleys automatically send the item for billing upon its selection by the buyer. However, if the item is already selected by a buyer, it is deleted from the display window. The items selected by the buyers are added to the bags, which are attached with the trolleys. Once the customers have finished shopping, they can exit the supermarket. The readers might think that where is the payment description? To the surprise of the readers, the RFID readers in the trolleys calculate the amount while the customers are shopping (Gummesson, 2014) . This total is automatically added to the PayWave card when the customer wave while departing from the supermarket. The systematic approach towards this process nullifies the aspect of queues at the exit point. Effective help desk facilities reduce the concerns of tourists and children regarding the possession of PayWave cards. The tourists and the children are provided with the access to approach the front desk personnel, who advise them to deposit temporary cash. With this deposit, they are assured about the issue of the PayWave cards, which will give them the right to shop their required items (Pan Nguyen, 2015). The exit process, for the tourists and children would be same as the member customers. However, tracks of the balance are maintained by the cashiers for assisting the customers in their purchases in future. There is an alarm, which rings for making the customers aware about the insufficient amount. Extra overheads are incurred in the RFID reader chip in case every item is tagged. Financial absorption is done in this case for the sake of the customers, who are in a hurry to finish their shopping (Raja et al., 2013). At various stations, the customers are briefed about the items, which are there in their trolley. This facility alarms the customers regarding the items, which they have purchased along with their amount. This is displayed in the form of a list. Time is noted for which the customers park their cars in the supermarket parking lot. This is done very specifically during the peak shopping hours to avoid traffic congestions in the shopping complex. In these peak shopping seasons, the parking rates are very high. On the other hand, the parking rates are nil in the non-peak periods. Here, the customers are not charged for parking the cars in the shopping complex (Orel Kara, 2014). The detailed description of the business operations reflects the systematic approach of the personnel towards the comfort of the customers. Herein, there is a need for recruiting skilled and efficient personnel, who possess adequate knowledge about operating the automatic functions of opening and closing the door of the supermarket upon the waves of the customers. Along with this, the managers need to monitor the performance of the officers in terms of enhancing the field of customer satisfaction. For this, CCTV can be an efficient means. Along with this, security guards are needed at the entrance and exits. This would mitigate the chances of robbery and theft within the supermarket (Lee, 2013). For this, identity verification can be done at the entrance as well as exit points. Here, conscious and rational approach is needed for preventing thefts and robbers from entering into the supermarkets. Therefore, before issuing the PayWave cards, the personnel need to verify the location as well as the background of the persons. This is very important in case of the tourists. Apart from this, installation of CCTV cameras inside the supermarket would help the managers to inspect the activities of the supermarket. For this, the managers need to be active online during the shopping hours (Agnihotri et al. 2016). Monitoring turn by turn would be a wise step for the managers as it is not possible for one manager to sit for long and see the happenings of the internal environment of the supermarket. At every station or department of the supermarket, one staff can be posted, who would arrange the purchased items for the customers. These staffs need to be properly dressed and wearing ID cards during the duty hours need to be made mandatory for the staffs. Before starting the shopping hours, the managers need to verify whether the staffs are in proper attire along with their ID cards (Wirtz et al., 2013). This would create a good image in the minds of the customers, generating within them an urge to indulge in a stable relationship with the personnel. For achieving positive outcomes in this direction, the staffs need to be trained about the treatment, which they need to adopt for the achievement of large scale customer satisfaction. However, as the operations of the supermarket are entirely technological, the staffs need to be trained about the effective and judicious operation of the technologies. Additional recommendations for improving customer services Improvement of the customer service is an agent in terms of enhancing the reputation of Oz supermarket. For this, persistent efforts are needed from the marketing personnel as well as the managers. The managers need to sit in meetings and discussions with the board of directors regarding the adoption of innovation in the existing business operations (Saeidi et al., 2015). Involvement of the stakeholders and shareholders in these meetings would broaden the perspectives of the personnel. This would result in the introduction of lucrative offers, schemes and discounts for the customers. As an example, introducing discounts on shopping during the peak seasons on purchase of a stipulated amount would help the marketing personnel of Oz supermarket to attract large number of customers. Along with this, hiring sponsors and celebrities would help the personnel to enhance the brand image of the supermarket (Agnihotri et al., 2016). Preparing catchy advertisements for the newly launched offers, schemes and discounts would result in the promotion of the supermarket. Adopting the means of social media would help the personnel of Oz supermarket to increase the trafficking of the audience towards the brand image. Displaying attractive images for advertising the newly launched services or products would appeal the customers to visit the supermarket at least once. Organizing contests like sending selfies with the purchased service and products would popularize the fame of the supermarket (Orel Kara, 2014). Moreover, these types of contests enhance the stability in the relationship between the company and the customers. Maintenance and preservation of this stability is the keystone towards the provision of better services in future. The technological nature of the business operations necessitates the need of advanced and modern security. If the membership code of the customer is sent to the IT faculty upon his identity verification, his entire details and information can be matched in terms of reducing the instances of robbery, thefts, and smuggling among others. Once it is verified that the code is secured and registered with the company, a password can be generated, which needs to be secured for safeguarding the customers from instances of cyber crimes (Pan Nguyen, 2015). Therefore, when the customer waves the PayWave card, his password along with other details would be sent to the manager. Along with the identity verification, the luggage verification is important. The customer after the identity verification needs to submit heavy luggage. However, handbags can be allowed within the supermarket, but it needs to be sealed. Along with this, outside eatables need to be prohibited inside the supermarket, for making the premises clean. The customers need to throw the wastes in the dustbins. The staffs need to be extra conscious regarding these issues. Food courts can be established within the supermarket premises. For this, the personnel need to organize meetings with the property owners, stakeholders and shareholders. Drafts regarding the highlights of the meetings need to be sent to the managers and directors for achieving their approval (Jeston Nelis, 2014). Records of these drafts are important in terms of averting illegal instances and unnecessary courtly interventions. Approval from the higher authorities results in a second round of meetings regarding how to proceed with the proposed plans. Exposing a strategic approach in these activities would help the personnel of Oz supermarket to achieve positive outcomes. Within this, serving the customers with fusion foods would help the marketing personnel to satisfy the specific tastes and preferences of the customers. Adopting the means of survey and feedback would make the personnel aware about the reactions of the customers regarding the levied services. Social networking sites and official websites need to be regularly tracked for making the services according to the needs, demands and requirements of the customers (Trkman et al., 2015). Failure in terms of regularizing the activity of checking the feedbacks posted by the customers would make the supermarket lag behind in the aspect of customer satisfaction. Incapability to spontaneously make up the mistakes would add vulnerability to the market position of Oz supermarket. Moreover, this incapability would provide the contemporary supermarkets of Australia with competitive edge. On the other hand, dedication and commitment exposed by the marketing personnel would act as a cornerstone for Oz supermarket in terms of achieving sustainable growth in the competitive ambience of the market (Gummesson, 2014). The most common motive in the competitive ambience is to grab hold of the hot seat for the attainment of professional development. This motive would not take the personnel of Oz supermarket to the needs, demands and requirements of the customers. However, revealing persistent efforts in experimenting with the existing products and services would upgrade the standards and quality of marketing. Herein lays the need for evaluation, which would enhance the awareness of the personnel regarding the derived outcome with the identified and specified goals and objectives (Raja et al., 2013). This awareness would be a slow and gradual progression towards the benchmark level of performance. Finance is one of the crucial elements, which helps the personnel to plan better services for the customers. Therefore, prior to introducing new plans, the marketing personnel of Oz supermarket need to speculate the financial condition. This speculation would help in estimating the additional monetary assistance. Indulging in partnership with the trade union members would help the personnel of the supermarket to achieve financial flexibility. This flexibility, in turn, would be assistance in setting reasonable prices of the items (Lee, 2013). This assessment would align with the affordability of the customers, especially the ones belonging to the middle class. Moreover, partnership with the members of the trade union would safeguard the supermarket from scandals and other illegal issues. In order to achieve customer satisfaction, the most important thing is to value the opinions of the customers. For this, eagerness and willingness is required from the personnel for devoting their professionalism towards serving the customers (Wirtz et al., 2013). This is because if customers are happy, they will make more purchases, which will increase the sales revenue and add maximum value to the profit margin. 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