Saturday, May 16, 2020

Business Types And A Proposed Staffing Plan - 1730 Words

Introduction In today’s society, many people view employment inversely than years past. Punching a time clock to supply livable means for families is no longer a way of life for many. The entrepreneurial spirit flows within the universe. Freedom to put innovation into action for profit is prevalent. People express their passion and vision through entrepreneurship. Before displaying the desire and sharing the dream through entrepreneurship, it is mandatory to gather data and information as well as performing a risk assessment. Leaving a job, earning a stable income or spending retirement on a free enterprise venture can impact livable means. In this assignment, business types and a proposed staffing plan will be defined. A financial plan will be outlined to ensure compliance with regulatory rules are in place. My passion for unexplained hair loss in African Americans led me to the startup of Hair and Scalp Consulting. Hair loss occurrences can be extremely emotional and result in depression. A study published in The Journal of Clinical and Aesthetic Dermatology proves my thesis. Commonly reported hair and scalp complaints among include breakage, dandruff flaking, scalp itching, and hair loss in the crown and temples of women. There are several bases for flaky scalps and breakage. They include gels, hair colors and oils, relaxers and spritz products. â€Å"Over 50% of the women interviewed† in The Journal of Clinical and Aesthetic Dermatology article, experienced hair lossShow MoreRelatedBenefits Of Direct Care Staff1024 Words   |  5 Pagesthrough activities outlined in the individual service plan. Pertinent Others The program will have one other pertinent staff, the school liaison. The school liaison will be responsible for building rapport and maintain relationships with the schools, serve as the point of contact for school personnel, and the intake of referrals. 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